Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh Where or Where did My Little Dog Go

I was in the barn the other morning helping Chris trim horse's feet, and my Jack Russell Lizzie and Gin were hanging out in the barn. Gin was sleeping in the tackroom, and Lizzie was nosing around (as all Jack Russells do). My other Jack Russells - the Amazing Artie (amazing he hasn't met his demise), Tessa the Tiger (stay away from her food) and Clutzy Cliff (only cause he has three legs, and is determined to mark his territory by balancing on 2 legs) were all milling around the barn as well. Things were done in the barn, I said "Let's go to the house" and discovered that Lizzie and Gin were no where to be seen. They have never taken off before, but I know what had lured them from the yard - the spring squeal of the Richardson Ground Squirrel (aka gopher - I just like the name of Richardson Ground Squirrel because it is my maiden name). I looked everywhere, whistled as loud as I could, but they didn't come home. Gin showed up all dirty late that night - let me say I was very relieved - I was pretty upset all day long. Lizzie, however was not with her. I had resigned to the fact that I had lost her, probably to a coyote, but this morning she greeted us at the door (that is 2 nights out by herself). She looked pretty clean, makes me wonder if one of our Hutterite neighbors had thought they had found a dog - they always ask about them. Thank God it is cold right now, the gophers have gone back in their holes for the time being. Believe you me, there will be some target practice this spring(only on the gophers of course) - or maybe I should put earplugs in the dog's ears.

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